Saturday, April 24, 2010
Deep Thoughts

Friday, April 9, 2010
A morning in the life of a 2E...
Andrew usually gets himself up around 6:15 so he can have computer time without anyone bugging him. I get up at 6:40 and push him to finish online, get dressed, get any missing homework items together and we shoot him out the door at 7am. Nathan usually wakes up between 7-7:10 and Rebekah gets up between 7:20-7:30. I help get both of them ready to go and Nathan has to be out the door between 8:20-8:30.
Yesterday, as I'm shooing Andrew down the stairs at 6:55, I hear crying. LOUD crying...more like broken hearted sobbing. At first I thought Rebekah woke up early. If she hears Andrew leaving and doesn't get to kiss him goodbye, her day starts by screaming down the house and waking everyone up. Peeked in her room, still sleeping. Went to the boys' room to find Nathan huddled in his bed sobbing. What's wrong? He tells me he doesn't want to talk about it and resumes his crying. I tell him he has to be quiet until I get back so he won't wake Daddy and Rebekah. He calms down enough so it's quiet sniffles and tears while I tear back downstairs to get Andrew to the carpool on time.

That's how my morning began. Luckily, I had purchased doughnuts the day before and that was enough distraction to calm him down and start his day on a cheerful note.

With April being Autism Awareness month, I want to try to highlight some of the issues we deal with in our home. Our crying jag yesterday is absolutely nothing compared to the entire year that he was four years old. I'll put it into another post, but that year we would be awakened each morning to him sobbing and telling me that nobody loved him. Four years old and he thought nobody loved him.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon is the most recognized symbol of the autism community in the world. Autism prevalence is now one in every 110 children in America - that’s 13 million families and growing who live with autism today. Show your support for people with autism by wearing the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon this month – as a pin on your shirt, a magnet on your car, a badge on your blog, or even your Facebook profile picture - and educate folks on the potential of people with autism! For suggestions and resources, visit www.autism-society.org/ribbon.
Make a difference. There are several important bills moving through Congress that will have important effects on the autism community – safer educational settings (Keeping All Students Safe Act), better autism services (Autism Treatment Acceleration Act), greater financial independence (Achieving a Better Life Experience Act), better protection against toxic chemicals (Toxic Substances Control Act Reform, introduction anticipated soon), and more. For more information about this legislation and to take action to support it, visit http://www.vote4autism.org/.

* Bounce for Autism: http://www.bounceforautism.org/
* Autism Society chapters: www.autism-society.org/chapters
* 1Power4Autism: http://www.1power4autism.org/
Watch a movie. Did you know that something that seems as simple as going to the movies is not an option for many families affected by autism? The Autism Society is working with AMC entertainment to bring special-needs families “Sensory Friendly Films” every month. Our special showing of How to Train Your Dragon is coming to a theatre near you on April 10. Or, you could see a movie about autism itself - the Autism Society is partnering with the Independent Television Service (ITVS) to support 70 community screenings of the new movie The Horse Boy, based on the memoir of the same name. In the film, Rupert Isaacson shares the inspiring story of how he and his wife learned to think of their son’s autism as an adventure rather than a curse, a beginning rather than an end. Find participating locations for both events at:
* Sensory Friendly Films: www.autism-society.org/sensoryfilms
* The Horse Boy: http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/horse-boy/
On a personal note, please help support Team NATHAN for the Autism Puzzle Walk. The Autism Society has been a source of constant support and guidance for us this past year. We want to give back in a big way. Funds raised at the Puzzle Walk impact the programs and support offered. Please consider giving a gift of any size. Even $1 will help. Go to Nathan's Page to donate or click on the box at the top right of the blog main page.
Please remember that Autism is a huge spectrum. Set aside your preconceived notions. I recently heard this quote and it has really stuck with me.