Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What we believe...

This blog started as a true labor of love for me. I seriously had no intentions of starting a blog. I am a born-again, spirit-filled Christian and our belief system puts a lot into faith in God. We believed for Nathan to be miraculously healed for several years. We have prayed over him and for him and have waited on the Lord.

Now, I must say that we still believe that God can heal him instantly and I still pray for that, but if I'm being honest with myself (and with you), I've slowed down that particular prayer. I still pray for him to be healed or cured, but I feel that God has put a path before us where He works through the hands of men to help us reach our miracle. I want to make sure that at all times, He is still glorified in my words and actions. It's the path that was before us that led to this blog.

I felt nudges for a while leading me towards sharing our story in full and the struggles and challenges we were facing. I have found it to be exceedingly difficult to find parents of 2E children and while there's technical support out there, I couldn't find anyone who was speaking to my heart. There were days when I cried and cried and wondered where other moms were who were going through what I was going through. I couldn't find those moms in my city, I couldn't find those moms online---but oh, I know you are out there.

So in some searching for a domain for my family blog, I stumbled onto the name www.coolestchildren.com. I struggled for a while longer before taking a plunge and launching this very site. I spent some long periods in time praying and asking God for wisdom and direction and He led me here. To this blog, this spot in cyberspace where I could reach out. I came to the realization that even if only one person was helped by reading about our struggles, challenges and successes---it would be worth it. Beyond that, I decided it was really healing for me to share some of the struggles I've gone through for seven years and have generally shared with nobody beyond my husband. My family knew more of what our days were like, but it was too painful and too difficult to share the bulk of this 'stuff' with my closest friends. They didn't have the same struggles and who wants to sound like a whiner?

Now, at last, we are here. I'm still working to balance this blog and reconcile it to my own life. That's why posts are a little slow in coming right now. I've had to deal with these issues and get to a point where I can share and be open and transparent with you. I purposed in my heart to be real on this blog.

Most of all, I want to praise God for what He did with this site. I received several emails the first week from moms who 'got it'. These are the moms I was searching for all these years. They knew what it was like and several of them described my home life while telling me about their children. I pray that we continue to get the word out. I pray that we continue to support and share with each other. I want the world to know about these incredibly bright and brilliant people who are 2E.

1 comment:

  1. The internet has helped SO MUCH with our 2e journey. Without it we'd still be lost and floundering.
    Try the yahoogroups Out Of The Box Thinkers. Totally about our OOTBT kids.
    2e is so hard to explain unless you live it. And then you just KNOW what it is.


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